Falmouth Yacht Club
EST. 1946
We are currently re-constructing the club’s website.
We appreciate your understanding as we work to upgrade the members’ experience.
The sea-shore is a sort of neutral ground, a most advantageous point from which to contemplate this world.
Henry David Thoreau – Cape Cod

Congratulations to
Falmouth Yacht Club Sailors
at the Wianno Regatta!
1st - Tyler Richards
3rd - Thomas Richards
10th - Summer Girard
13th - Trent Richards
15th - Ben Richards
22n - Eliot Fox
37th - Molly Seney
54th - Shawn Follett
68th - Jacob Lando
Come Away
Falmouth Yacht Club was formed by a small group of racing enthusiasts in the mid 1940s. Since then, the Club has grown to include all boating experiences, a private beachfront with wellness activities, and a “fun for all ages” inclusive social and entertainment program both on and off the water. Our members enjoy fabulous dining in one of the Cape’s most desirable oceanfront locales, while meeting up with friends old and new.